A copyright lawyer deals with the protections that are provided under United States law to authors of original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, artistic, musical, and a few other intellectual works. A copyright lawyer can also be beneficial if you feel that your copyrighted work has been used without your consent.
Copyright lawyers can assist with the legal portion of filing for a copyright They can also defend in a copyright infringement lawsuit. A copyright attorney can advise a client if the clients copyrighted work has been used without consent. If you have material that you want to be exclusive to you or your business, you should consider a copyright attorney. Consulting with a copyright lawyer can be extremely helpful, especially since the copyright field can be somewhat complicating.
- Montana population, 2005 estimate 935,670
- Montana population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 3.7%
- Montana population, 2000 902,195
- Montana population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 12.9%
- Persons under 5 years old in Montana, percent, 2004 5.7%
- Persons under 18 years old in Montana, percent, 2004 22.5%
- persons 65 years old and over in Montana, percent, 2004 13.7%