Estate planning lawyers deal with the creation, protection and disposition of their clients assets throughout life up until death. Estate planning attorneys can also help plan what will happen with your home, investments, business, life insurance, employee benefits such as a 401k, trust, and other property if you were to become disabled or if you were to die. A good estate planning attorney can help you plan and carry out all of your wishes if you are unable to do so yourself.

Estate planning lawyers handle the legal bureaucracy involving estate planning laws. Estate planning lawyers help formulate legal agreements that explain what to do with an individuals estate rights. An estate planning attorney should be hired if a person is involved in a legal battle over an estate. Estate planning lawyers should probably be consulted for all legal estate planning advice.

- Tennessee population, 2005 estimate 5,962,959
- Tennessee population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 4.8%
- Tennessee population, 2000 5,689,283
- Tennessee population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 16.7%
- Persons under 5 years old in Tennessee, percent, 2004 6.5%
- Persons under 18 years old in Tennessee, percent, 2004 23.6%
- persons 65 years old and over in Tennessee, percent, 2004 12.5%